The Internets

Nightmare Host

Dec 15, 2008

Yes I host this site and many others with Dreamhost, and yes Dreamhost sucks! In fact they’re the worst webhost of any I do business with. They’re lucky I host so many domains across multiple accounts for myself, freelance clients and my work that it would really be a hassle to switch hosting companies. But one of these days enough will be enough and I’ll take all that business with me elsewhere. They have this handy dandy blog where you can check their status to see if they’re experiencing any downtime, which is a complete joke because they are ALWAYS down. Go ahead, click it and see which cluster is down right now, I’ll wait. I guarantee there’s a greater than 50% chance they have something not working right this second.

Since myself, my clients and my work have multiple accounts across multiple clusters there’s always some downtime issue I’m dealing with with Dreamhost. ARRRRRRRGH!!!!! So today is link-love Monday for Upstartblogger, I hope he gets a big fat affiliate check from AN Hosting this month.